Tugas 3 Kelas XI, Jaringan Hewan

Chapter 40

1. The four major categories of tissues are
a. bone, muscle, blood, and adipose.
b. nervous, epithelial, connective, and muscle.
c. muscle, epithelial, bone, and cartilage.
d. blood, nervous, connective, and muscle.
e. simple squamous, simple cuboidal, simple columnar, and stratified squamous.

2. Which of the following levels of structure encompasses all the others?
a. tissue
b. cell
c. organ
d. organism
e. organ system

3. How many organ systems make up your body?
a. four
b. hundreds
c. 11
d. millions
e. It depends on the size of the person.

4. Which of the following tissues produces voluntary body movements?
a. smooth muscle
b. simple cuboidal epithelium
c. cardiac muscle
d. skeletal muscle
e. fibrous connective tissue

5. Neurons are specialized cells characteristic of
a. muscle tissue.
b. nervous tissue.
c. connective tissue.
d. epithelial tissue.
e. all of the above

6. All but one of the following systems are correctly paired with one of their parts. Which pair is incorrect?
a. cardiovascular system - heart
b. respiratory system - lung
c. endocrine system - thyroid gland
d. integumentary system - hair
e. excretory system - intestine

7. Homeostasis is
a. exchange of materials with the surrounding environment.
b. the idea that all vertebrates are built in a similar way.
c. the correlation of structure and function.
d. maintaining a relatively constant internal environment.
e. cooperation of body parts to form tissues, organs, and systems.

8. An animal's internal environment is
a. the blood.
b. the interior of compartments like the heart and stomach.
c. any place beneath the skin.
d. any fluid inside the body.
e. the interstitial fluid that surrounds the cells.

9. Which of the following best illustrates homeostasis?
a. All the cells in the body have much the same chemical composition.
b. Cells of the skin are constantly worn off and replaced.
c. When blood CO2 increases, you breathe faster and get rid of CO2.
d. All organs are composed of the same four kinds of tissues.
e. The lung has a large surface for exchange of gases.

10. The most significant design feature in maintaining posture is
a. muscle strength in the supporting limbs.
b. the tensile strength of tendons and ligaments.
c. the diameter of the bones in the supporting limbs.
d. the position of the supporting limbs relative to the main body.
e. the position of the center of mass of the organism.

11. Most cells are microscopic because at this small size
a. free-living unicellular organisms are difficult to detect and capture by predatory organisms.
b. many more cells can be packed into an organ while maintaining its compact size.
c. the ratio of surface area to cell volume is maximized.
d. cells require fewer nutrients and increase the probability of survival.
e. the amount of vulnerable plasma membrane is minimized relative to a larger, more stable cytoplasm.

12. What do these body forms have in common: a gastrovascular cavity of a Hydra and the thinness of a tapeworm?
a. Both maximize the surface area in contact with the external environment.
b. Each allows for the maximum development of internal complexity.
c. Each is a highly efficient design for a parasitic lifestyle.
d. These body plans eliminate the need for homeostasis.
e. Each minimizes contact with the external environment, thus reducing external disturbances and permitting homeostasis to be more easily achieved.

13. In a system regulated by positive feedback
a. a stimulus will initiate a response that returns the system to near its initial parameters.
b. a stimulus will prevent a small change from becoming too large.
c. only an effector and control center are necessary to complete the control system.
d. a change in a variable will amplify rather than reverse the change.
e. the range of acceptable values for a given parameter will be narrower than if the system were regulated by negative feedback.

14. Which of the following are listed in the correct hierarchical order?
a. organ system - tissue - organ
b. cell - tissue - organ
c. organ - tissue - organ system
d. tissue - cell - organ
e. organism - organ - organ system

15. An organ such as the heart or liver contains
a. muscle tissue.
b. nervous tissue.
c. connective tissue.
d. epithelial tissue.
e. all of the above.

16. Metabolic rate is
a. the total amount of energy an animal uses in a unit of time.
b. the amount of heat lost by an animal in a unit of time.
c. typically higher in an ectothermic animal than in an endothermic one.
d. determined when the organism is at rest with an empty stomach.
e. directly proportional to body size.

17. Which of the following are listed in the correct order based upon an increasing basal metabolic rate (BMR)?
a. hummingbird - dog - mouse
b. fish - dog - mouse
c. dog - cat - mouse - salamander
d. frog - rabbit - snake
e. gazelle - lion - elephant

18. Microscopic analysis of an unknown tissue sample reveals the presence of chondrocytes, indicating that the sample is
a. bone.
b. loose connective tissue.
c. cartilage.
d. stratified columnar epithelium.
e. adipose.

19. Bone tissue does not show which of the following correlations between structure and function?
a. It is rigid.
b. Its cells are packed tightly together.
c. It contains reinforcing fibers.
d. It can grow with the animal.
e. It contains canals for blood vessels and nerves.

20. Negative feedback is a method of homeostatic control that
a. ensures that conditions in an organism do not vary too much above or below their set points.
b. promotes decreases in metabolic rate rather than increases.
c. increases speed and rapidity of negative responses.
d. produces a response by lowering some set point of an organism's metabolism.
e. causes an effector to signal the control center of an organism, which creates the stimulus to make a response.
  1. Which of these is not an animal tissue? a) connective; b) xylem; c) epithelial; d) nervous
  2. Tissues are made of _______. a) groups of cells that perform a different set of functions; b) collections of cells that perform similar or related functions; c) subellular structures that aid in the performance of the cell's role; d) none of these
  3. Which of these is NOT a function of epithelial tissue? a) covering surfaces; b) secretion; c) support of the body; d) lining internal exchange areas
  4. Layered epithelial tissue is referred to as which of these? a) squamous; b) stratified; c) voluntary; d) pseudostratified
  5. Which of these cell types covers the inside of the mouth? a) squamous epithelium; b) cartilage; c) blood; d) cuboidal epithelium
  6. Protection of the body from infectious organisms is accomplished by which of these tissues? a) bone; b) muscle; c) nerve; d) blood
  7. Linking of bone to bone in a skeletal system is accomplished by which of these tissues? a) epithelial; b) connective; c) muscle; d) nervous
  8. Cells that line the tubules in the kidney make up which of these tissues? a) adipose; b) squamous epithelium; c) cuboidal epithelium; d) stratified epithelium
  9. The storage of fat is accomplished by which of these cell types? a) adipose; b) squamous epithelium; c) cuboidal epithelium; d) stratified epithelium
  10. Glands are composed of which of these tissue types? a) epithelium; b) connective; c) muscle; d) nervous
  11. Hard parts of the body would be made of which of these cell/tissue types? a) blood; b) bone; c) muscle; d) nerves
  12. Bone acts as a reservoir for which of these elements? a) carbon; b) nitrogen; c) calcium; d) hydrogen
  13. The major function of bone is ___. a) covering body surfaces; b) support; c) movement; d) integration of stimulus
  14. New blood cells are formed in the ___. a) matrix; b) bone marrow; c) liver; d) adipose cells AMS is b
  15. The blood cells that transport oxygen within the body are the ___. a) macrophages; b) erythrocytes; c) platelets; d) leukocytes
  16. The liquid part of the blood is ___. a) plasma; b) adipose; c) cartilage; d) platelets
  17. When you move your arm to use your computer mouse, which of these muscle cell types is involved? a) cardiac; b) skeletal; c) smooth
  18. Contraction of your heart is accomplished by which of these cell types? a) cardiac; b) skeletal; c) smooth
  19. Contractions of the uterus during birth are accomplished by which of these cell types? a) cardiac; b) skeletal; c) smooth
  20. The junctions between nerve cells are known as ___. a) gap junctions; b) synapses; c) tight junctions; d) villi
  21. Transmission of the nerve message within the neuron is ___ in nature. a) chemical b) electrical


  1. okey buu,, saya akan kerjakan sebaik mungkin

    arif faishal(06)
    XI IA 6

  2. apakah sama dengan tugas sebelumnya
    arif f XI IA6

  3. .y bu..B-)..
    .skali kali soalnya jgn bhs.ing donk..

  4. bu di kumpulkan kapan tugasnya???

    Maharani XI-IA.6 /17

  5. kurang akeeeeh bu !

    sebaiknya soal2 sblmnya d selesaikan dulu pembahasannya baru saol baru lagi bu


    arifna dwi p XI IA 6

  6. oce ..q balal secepatnya ngebuat!!!:)
    arief tri nugroho XI ia 6/05

  7. siap bu

    alif setyo budi xi ipa 6

  8. Dikumpilkan kapan?

  9. betul kata arifna, sebaiknya soal* sblmny diselesaikn dulu pembahasannya,,

    M. Nur Fajri [19]

  10. dikumpulkan kapan bu ?

    Nindia N . XI IA 6

  11. siap bu...
    akan saya kerjakan sebaik mungkin ..

    ersita damayanti

  12. Alangkah baiknya jika kita tidak banyak mengeluh :P

  13. trima kasih buat soalnya Bu ^_^

    zulfa [30] XI-IA-6


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