
Showing posts from January 2, 2011


Jawablah dengan singkat dan tepat! 1. Jelaskan pengertian Thallophyta 2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan tumbuhan perintis, tumbuhan apa yang berkedudukan sebagai tumbuhan perintis. 3. Sebutkan 4 ciri-ciri Sporophyta dan 2 contohnya. 4. bandingkanlah ciri-ciri Tumbuhan Lumut dan Tumbuhan Paku yang meliputi: a. Struktur tubuh b. jaringan pembuluh pengangkutan c. Habitat d. Perkembangan Metagenesis : Fase sporofit Fase gametofit 5. Sebutkan 4 ciri tumbuhan Angiospermae 6. Sebutkan nama bagian yang ditunjukkan oleh huruf A, C, E, G 7.Dibawah ini ADALAH nama tanaman yang telah kamu kenal. Kelompokkan masing-masing tanaman dalan tumbuhan dikotil dan monokotil. MAWAR, MELATI, ANGGREK, EUPHORBIA, JENNMANI, DAHLIA, BUNGA SEPATU, PEPAYA, ALPOKAT, JAGUNG. 8. jika kamu mengelompokkan pohon pepaya ke dalam kelompok dikotil apa alasanmu? Sebutkan 3 alasan yang benar.

Latihan soal sistem IMUNITAS

Chapter 43 1. An antigen is a. a protein molecule that helps defend the body against disease. b. a type of white blood cell. c. an invading virus or bacterium. d. a foreign molecule that evokes a specific response by a lymphocyte. e. a body cell attacked by an invading microorganism. 2. How do memory cells differ from effector cells? a. Memory cells are more numerous. b. Memory cells are responsible for the primary immune response. c. Memory cells combat antigens; effector cells do not. d. Memory cells live longer. e. Memory cells are capable of producing antibodies. 3. Following tissue damage or the entry of microorganisms, an inflammatory response may be initiated by a. the accumulation of phagocytes in an injured area. b. the release of interferon by infected cells. c. an increased blood flow in an infected or injured area. d. the ensuing fever. e. the release of chemicals such as histamine by damaged cells. 4. Which of the following could be considered a nonspecific ...