
Showing posts from July 25, 2010


Masalah biologi dalam kehidupan dapat terjadi mulai dari molekul , sel, jaringan, organ, sistem organ, yang kesemuanya itu dapat dijumpai pada tingkat organisasi kehidupan individu. Selain individu, tingkat permasalahan biologi dalam kehidupan juga dapat terjado pada tingkat organisasi kehidupan populasi, komunitas, ekosistem, dan biosfer. Contoh masalah biologi pada berbagai tingkat organisasi kehidupan, antara lain :  Pada tingkat molekul, seperti mutasi gen yang menimbulkan adanya gen mutan (gen albino, gen buta warna, gen hemofilia, gen botak, gen imbisil, gen sickle cell anemia, gen kecenderungan TBC, gen non taster, gen polidaktili), cara kerja enzim, sintesa protein.  Pada tingkat sel, seperti Plasmolisis, transportasi zat lintas membran, endositosis, penggadaan sel, perkembang biakan virus/bakteri.  Pada tingkat jaringan, seperti leukemia, HIV/AIDS, CVPD tanaman jeruk.  Pada tingkat organ, seperti kanker kulit, kanker/tumor payu dara, kanker paru-paru, kista pada rahim, pat...


Chapter 7 1. To enter or leave a cell, substances must pass through a. a microtubule. b. the Golgi apparatus. c. a ribosome. d. the nucleus. e. the plasma membrane. ans: E 2. Which of the following would not be considered part of a cell's cytoplasm? a. a ribosome b. the nucleus c. a mitochondrion d. a microtubule e. fluid between the organelles ANS: D 3. Bacterial cells are prokaryotic; in comparison to a typical eukaryotic cell they a. lack a nucleus. b. have a smaller nucleus. c. lack a plasma membrane. d. have fewer internal membranous compartments. e. have a greater variety of organelles. ANS: C 4. The maximum size of a cell is limited by a. its need for enough surface area for exchange with its environment. b. the number of organelles that can be packed inside. c. the materials needed to build it. d. the amount of flexibility it needs to be able to move. e. the amount of food it needs to survive. ANS: A 5. You would expect a cell with an extensive Golgi apparatus to a. make ...