Chapter 35
1. Angiosperm is another name for
a. a plant.
b. pollen.
c. stored food in a seed.
d. a flowering plant.
e. fruit.

2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of dicots?
a. two seed leaves
b. parts of flowers in fours or fives
c. a taproot
d. vascular bundles arranged in a ring
e. veins in leaves usually parallel

3. Which of the following would be least useful in figuring out whether a plant is a monocot or a dicot?
a. size when mature
b. numbers of flower parts
c. pattern of veins in leaves
d. number of seed leaves
e. arrangement of vascular tissue in the stem

4. While walking in the woods, you encounter a beautiful and unfamiliar flowering plant. If you want to know whether it is a monocot or dicot, it would not help to look at the
a. number of seed leaves, or cotyledons, present in its seeds.
b. shape of its root system.
c. number of petals in its flowers.
d. arrangement of vascular bundles in its stem.
e. size of the plant.

5. The shoot system of a beavertail cactus consists of broad paddlelike structures covered with spines. The spines are modified _____, so the flat green paddles must be modified _____ .
a. buds . . . leaves
b. buds . . . stems
c. leaves . . . stems
d. stems . . . roots
e. stems . . . leaves

6. Most of the photosynthesis in a plant is carried out by _____ in the leaves.
a. collenchyma cells
b. water-conducting cells
c. parenchyma cells
d. sclerenchyma cells
e. food-conducting cells

7. Artichoke hearts are tender and tasty. The leaves are tasty too, but most of an artichoke leaf is fibrous and impossible to chew. The leaves must contain lots of
a. parenchyma cells.
b. phloem.
c. meristematic tissue.
d. sclerenchyma cells.
e. epidermal cells.

8. Which of the following is a sugar source?
a. a green leaf
b. a developing fruit
c. a growing root
d. a growing shoot
e. a tree trunk.

9. Based on your experience with these plants, which do you think is correctly paired with the word describing its life cycle?
a. apple tree--perennial
b. rose bush--annual
c. marigold--perennial
d. oak tree--biennial
e. tulip--annual

10. How do cells in a meristem differ from other cells in a plant?
a. They continue to divide.
b. They photosynthesize at a faster rate.
c. They are growing.
d. They are differentiating.
e. They store food.

11. Lengthwise growth of a root tip into the soil results mainly from
a. cell division in the meristem.
b. elongation of cells.
c. cell division in the vascular cambium.
d. differentiation (specialization) of root cells.
e. pulling by root hairs.

12. Which of the following is closest to the center of an orchid root?
a. the cortex
b. phloem
c. pith
d. epidermis
e. xylem.

13. A cross section of part of a plant exposes epidermis, a thick cortex, and a central cylinder of xylem and phloem. This part is a
a. fruit.
b. seed.
c. stem.
d. root.
e. bud.

14. Which of the following is correctly matched with its tissue system?
a. xylem--ground tissue system
b. phloem--epidermis
c. cortex--ground tissue system
d. pith--vascular tissue system
e. All of the above are correctly matched.

15. Cell division in the vascular cambium adds to the girth of a tree by adding new _____ on the inside of the cambium layer and _____ on the outside.
a. phloem . . . xylem
b. xylem and phloem . . . bark
c. pith . . . xylem and phloem
d. xylem . . . phloem
e. xylem . . . cortex

16. Which of the following is closest to the center of a woody stem?
a. vascular cambium
b. young phloem
c. old phloem
d. young xylem
e. old xylem

17. The vascular cambium in the trunk of a large, woody rhododendron shrub lies between
a. secondary phloem and secondary xylem.
b. secondary xylem and pith.
c. primary xylem and primary phloem.
d. secondary phloem and cortex.
e. primary phloem and pith.

18. Cell division would be slowest in which of these tissues?
a. apical meristem of root
b. cork cambium
c. epidermis
d. vascular cambium
e. apical meristem of terminal bud

19. A vandal killed a historic oak tree on the village green by girdling it with a chain saw. He cut through the bark and into the sapwood all the way around the tree. Why did the tree die?
a. The leaves could not get carbon dioxide.
b. Oxygen could not get to the roots.
c. The roots could not get food.
d. The leaves could not get food.
e. The roots could not absorb water.

20. Procambium ultimately gives rise to
a. pith, cork, and phelloderm.
b. primary and secondary xylem and primary and secondary phloem.
c. epidermis.
d. vascular cambium and cork cambium.
e. periderm and ground meristem.

©1999 Benjamin/Cummings

Chapter 36
1. The proton pump
a. is a passive process.
b. uses the energy of a proton gradient to generate ATP.
c. releases kinetic energy.
d. operates by osmosis.
e. uses the energy stored in ATP to produce a proton gradient.

2. A plant cell placed in a solution with a lower water potential will
a. lose water and crenate.
b. lose water and become turgid.
c. gain water and become turgid.
d. lose water and plasmolyze.
e. gain water and plasmolyze.

3. The vacuole of a plant cell is defined by the
a. tonoplast.
b. apoplast.
c. aquaporin.
d. symplast.
e. plasmodesmata.

4. The last thing all water and solute molecules must pass through before they can enter the vascular system and move upward to the leaves is
a. a stoma.
b. a root hair cell.
c. an endodermal cell.
d. an epidermal cell.
e. a protoderm cell.

5. A botanist discovered a mutant plant that was unable to produce the material that forms the Casparian strip. This plant would be
a. unable to fix nitrogen.
b. unable to transport water or solutes to the leaves.
c. able to exert greater root pressure than normal plants.
d. unable to control the amounts of water and solutes it absorbs.
e. unable to lose water by transpiration.

6. A student is performing a chemical analysis of xylem sap. This student should not expect to find much
a. nitrogen.
b. sugar.
c. phosphorus.
d. water.
e. potassium.

7. Root pressure is attributable to
a. transpiration.
b. water in the root cortex.
c. the high water potential of the stele relative to the root cortex.
d. guttation.
e. the pumping of minerals out of the stele.

8. What keeps the force of gravity from overcoming transpirational pull?
a. upward pressure from the roots
b. high water pressure in the leaves
c. the Casparian strip blocks them from moving out
d. movement of water toward a sugar sink
e. cohesion and adhesion of water molecules

9. Normally when an aphid feeds by puncturing plant tissues, it does not have to suck the sap out. An inexperienced aphid, however, accidentally inserted its feeding tube in the wrong place and found the fluid in its gut being sucked out through the feeding tube. It had punctured
a. the Casparian strip.
b. a root nodule.
c. a xylem cell.
d. a phloem tube.
e. a stoma.

10. What is the main source of energy that moves water upward in the trunk of a tree?
a. musclelike contraction of xylem cells
b. evaporation of water by the sun
c. pressure exerted by root cells
d. breakdown and release of energy of sugar molecules
e. osmotic changes caused by alterations in salt content

11. An undergraduate student had a terrarium on her windowsill containing various houseplants. The undergraduate wondered why the glass was often fogged with water droplets. The undergraduate's friend, a graduate student who had taken a biology class, tried to impress the undergraduate by explaining that the water evaporates from the leaves--it's a process called
a. root pressure.
b. adhesion.
c. photosynthesis.
d. pressure flow.
e. transpiration.

12. Guard cells
a. control the rate of transpiration.
b. push water upward in a plant stem.
c. protect the plant's roots from infection.
d. control water and solute intake by roots.
e. protect nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules.

13. Which of the following would trigger opening of stomata?
a. extreme heat
b. loss of potassium by guard cells
c. nightfall
d. swelling of guard cells due to osmosis
e. all of the above

14. Stomata open during the day in response to
a. blue light triggering the efflux of K+ from guard cells.
b. increased temperatures.
c. increased CO2 levels.
d. blue light triggering the uptake of K+ by guard cells.
e. the production of abscisic acid.

15. Xerophytes minimize water loss by
a. using the CAM pathway.
b. reducing the thickness of the leaf cuticle.
c. developing a Casparian strip between their leaves and stem.
d. having leaves with a large surface area-to-volume ratio.
e. using the C3 pathway.

16. The solute most abundant in phloem sap is
a. hormones.
b. amino acids.
c. water.
d. minerals.
e. sugar.

17. In an apple tree, sugar might flow from _____ to _____ .
a. a developing apple . . . a leaf
b. the trunk . . . a leaf
c. a growing root . . . a growing shoot tip
d. a leaf . . . a developing apple
e. a growing shoot tip . . . the trunk

18. Which of the following is a difference between transport by xylem and transport by phloem?
a. Active transport moves xylem sap but not phloem sap.
b. Transpiration moves phloem sap but not xylem sap.
c. Phloem carries water and minerals; xylem carries organic molecules.
d. Xylem sap moves up; phloem sap moves up or down.
e. Xylem sap moves from sugar source to sink, but phloem sap does not.

19. Companion cells that are specialized for the transport of sugar between apoplast and symplast are _______ cells.
a. epidermal
b. guard
c. mycorrhizae
d. aquaporin
e. transfer

20. The pressure flow model of phloem sap transport involves
a. decreased hydrostatic pressure at the sugar source end as a result of reduced water potential.
b. increased hydrostatic pressure at the sugar source end as a result of reduced water potential.
c. decreased hydrostatic pressure at the sugar source end as a result of increased water potential.
d. increased hydrostatic pressure at the sugar source end as a result of increased water potential.
e. transpiration.

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©1999 Benjamin/Cummings



  2. oce...
    masih kayak tugas pertama kan bu?

  3. keoke..
    roy ardika xi ia - 3

  4. oke. . oke. . . :)

  5. okelah bu. .

  6. siap bu

    arifna dwi p XI IA 6/7

  7. okeyy,, buu..
    saya akan saya kerjakan ...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Ayu Fitriyanti XI IA 3August 12, 2010 at 3:41 AM

    Baik bu.
    Akan saya kerjakan sebaik mungkin seperti tugas pertama.

  10. OK BU..
    akan saya kerjakan dengan baik..

    Ersita Damayanti XI-IA.6

  11. Adjeng ANgela XI IA 3August 12, 2010 at 11:14 PM

    ok bu . siap saja kerjakan on time :)

  12. baik bu , akan saya kerjakan

  13. siap bu akan saya kerjakan ^,^
    Alif Setyo Budi XI IPA 6

  14. trima kasih Bu, buat soalnya ^_^

  15. trima kasih Bu, buat soalnya ^_^

    Zulfa XI-ipa-6

  16. 20 nomor itu saja atau msih ada yg lain bu ?

    odilia XI IA 3

  17. makasi bu buat tugasnya, ini menjadi materi yang baik buat kami tapi syangnya kita belum pernah di terangin jadi kalo salah mohon pengertiannya , makasih

  18. maaf....
    biasanya klo da soal pasti da teorinya...
    tpi di blog ini g da .....


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